How to Install a third-party SSL certificate via cPanel

June 23, 2023 / SSL

In this article, we will explain how to install a third-party SSL certificate with cPanel.

WHUK Hosting offers  you automated installation options for certificates, but there is no restriction on which certificates you can install.

Generate a Private Key and CSR

You have to create a private key and certificate signing request if you didn’t acquire an SSL certificate from the web hosting company.(CSR).

Follow these steps to generate a private key and CSR:

  1. Log into “cPanel”.
  2. Search for the “Security” option and click on the “SSL/TLS”.
  3. Under “Private Keys” (KEY), click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.
  4. Under “Generate a New Private Key”, click to confirm that the Key Type is set to RSA, 2,048-bit.
  5. In the “Description text box”, You need to type a descriptive name for the key, such as SSL cert private key.
  6. Click on “Generate” button.
  7. Click on Return” to SSL/TLS.
  8. Now, “Under Certificate Signing Request” (CSR), click Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests.
  9. Under “Generate a New Certificate Signing Request” (CSR), in the Key list box, you need to select the description for the private key you generated in step 6.
  10. In the Domains text box, you have to type the domain that you want to secure with the certificate.
  11. You need to Complete the remaining fields for the CSR.
  12. Click on “Generate” to create the CSR. cPanel generates and displays the CSR.
  13. Now you have to Copy the CSR text and submit it to the third-party SSL provider. Once you receive the SSL certificate from the web hosting provider, you are ready to enable SSL for your website. Go to Install the certificate and activate the SSL procedure below.

Install a Private Key

If you already purchased an SSL certificate from another web hosting provider and you have the private key and certificate, then you need to install the private key using cPanel.

Follow these steps to generate a private key and CSR:

  1. Log into your “cPanel”.
  2. Click on the “SSL/TLS”.
  3. Under “Private Keys” (KEY), click Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys.
  4. Under Upload a “New Private Key”, you need to upload the key using one of the following methods:
    1.  You have to paste the key text in the paste the key in following “text box”, type a description in the “Description text box”, and click on “Save”.
    2. Click on “Browse”, select the .key file on your computer, type a description in the “Description text box”, and click on “Upload”.
  5.  Click on “Back”.
  6. Now, click on Return to SSL/TLS”.
  7. Here, you are now ready to install the certificate and enable SSL for your website. Go to Install the certificate and activate the SSL procedure below.

Install the certificate and activate the SSL

Here, you need to have a private key installed and a certificate from the third party provider.

Follow these steps to Install the certificate and activate SSL:

  1. Log into “cPanel”.
  2. Open “SSL/TLS”.
  3. Click on under “Certificates” (CRT), Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.
  4. Under “Upload a New Certificate”, click to upload the certificate using one of the following methods:
    1. You need to Paste the certificate text in the Paste the certificate into the following “text box”, type a description in the “Description text box”, and click on “Save Certificate”.
    2. Now, click on “Browse” and select the .crt file on your computer, type a description in the “Description text box”, and click “Upload Certificate”.
    3. Click “Go Back”, and click on “Return to SSL/TLS”.
    4. Under “Install and Manage SSL” for your site (HTTPS), click on “Manage SSL sites”.
    5. Under “Install an SSL Website”, click on the “Browse Certificates”, select the certificate you want to use, and then click “Use Certificate”. cPanel fills in the Certificate (CRT) and Private Key (KEY) fields automatically.
    6. From the Domain list box”, you need to select the domain you want to secure with the certificate.
    7. If your SSL certificate requires, a CA (Certificate Authority) bundle, then you to paste it under Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE). Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    8. Click on “Install Certificate”. cPanel will install the certificate on your server and it will enable SSL. Once the process is complete, you receive an SSL Host Successfully Installed message.
    9. Now, click on “OK”.

In this way, you can install a third-party SSL certificate with cPanel. If you need further assistance, please visit our website. Also Read: How to Create CSR for SSL Certificates through cPanel