How to Watch a Directory for New File Creation in Linux

December 13, 2023 / How-to Guide

In this article, we will explain how to watch a directory for new file creation in Linux.

To execute a command upon new file creation in a Linux folder, employ inotify-tools and a shell script. This combination enables the monitoring of file system events.

Here’s a fundamental guide to setting it up –

  1. Install inotify-tools.
    First, install inotify-tools, You can install it through your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian-based systems, execute the following command to install:

    $ sudo apt update 
    $ sudo apt install inotify-tools
  2. How to create a Shell Script-
    After that, make a script using inotifywait (from inotify-tools) to watch for new files in the directory and trigger an API call when a new file is found.
    Here’s a basic example of how the script could be:

    # Directory to monitor
    # Your custom command
    # CUSTOM_COMMAND="curl -X POST -d @newfile http://your.api.endpoint"
    # Monitor for new files and call the API
    inotifywait -m -e create --format '%w%f' "$MONITOR_DIR" | while read NEWFILE
    echo "New file detected: $NEWFILE"
    # Uncomment to execute custom command

    In this script, you need to replace /path/to/your/directory with the path to the folder that you want to monitor and http://your.api.endpoint with the API endpoint you want to call. You can also modify the CALL_API_COMMAND to include any necessary headers, data, or options for your specific API call.

  3. Run the following Script-
    Note: Make the script executable and run it using the following steps:

    1. Save the script to a file, for example,
    2. Make it executable: chmod +x
    3. Run the script: ./
  4. Execute the script in the background.
    If you wish for the script to run continuously in the background, you need to consider using nohup or running it within a screen or tmux session.
    For example:

    nohup ./ &

    This ensures the script continues running even after you log out of the session.

  5. Run the following script as Systemd Service.
    Follow these steps, to run the script as a systemd service on a Linux system.

    1. Make sure your script is correct and tested. Save it in a fitting directory, like /usr/local/bin/. For instance, let’s say your script is named
      $ sudo mv /usr/local/bin/

      Make sure it is executable:

      $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
    2. Craft a new systemd service file with your chosen text editor—consider using nano, as shown below:
      $ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/monitor.service

      Add the following content to the file:

      Description=File Monitor Service
      1. Description: Provide a concise overview of your service.
      2. ExecStart: Specify the complete path to your script.
      3. Restart: Configure restart behavior always ensures restart regardless of the exit code.
      4. User and Group: Designate the user and group for the service, potentially creating a dedicated user for security reasons. Save and close the file.
    3. Refresh the configuration of the systemd manager:
      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    4. Turn on the service for automatic startup during boot:
      $ sudo systemctl enable monitor.service
    5. Start the Service:
      $ sudo systemctl start monitor.service
    6. Verify your service’s status to ensure it is running correctly.
      $ sudo systemctl status monitor.service


  • If your script generates logs, ensure it writes to a location with appropriate permissions. Alternatively, utilise systemd’s logging capabilities for effective log handling.
  • This script serves as a fundamental example. Depending on your specific needs, adjustments may be necessary.
  • For advanced monitoring or complex processing, opt for a more robust solution or programming language. Ensure your script is self-contained and doesn’t rely on interactive input, as Systemd services aren’t intended for interactive use.
  • If your script generates logs, ensure it writes to a location with appropriate permissions. Alternatively, utilise systemd’s logging capabilities for effective log handling.

In conclusion, monitoring a directory for new file creation in Linux enhances real-time awareness. By implementing the discussed methods, you can efficiently track changes and stay informed. Explore more insights in our comprehensive guide.

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