How to use Imunify360 for directory malware scanning

July 12, 2024 / Imunify 360

The tool’s Linux Malware Scanner automatically cleans infected files, while its dashboard integrates incident tracking.

Learn how to scan directories for malware using Immunify360.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Immunify360.
  2. Navigate to “Malware Scanner.”
    Malware Scanner
  3. Select “Scan” and specify the folder to scan.
  4. Click “Advanced” settings for options.
  5. Configure the following settings-
    1. Filename Mask: Specify the types of files to scan (e.g., *.php for all PHP files). The default is *, which includes all files.
    2. Ignore Mask: Specify file types to ignore (e.g., *.html to exclude all HTML files).
    3. CPU Consumption: Adjust the CPU usage for scanning, ranging from low to high, to balance performance.
    4. I/O Consumption: Set the I/O usage for scanning, also ranging from low to high.
    5. Follow Symlinks: Select whether to follow and scan all symlinks within the folder.

      : LVE controls scan intensity on CloudLinux OS. For other operating systems, “nice” manages CPU usage and “ionice” manages I/O scheduling when the I/O scheduler is CFQ.
      folder to scan
  6. Enable “Follow Symlink” if needed.
  7. Click “Start” to initiate scanning.
  8. Monitor progress and view results in the dashboard.
    montior progress

For detailed assistance, contact the WHUK support team.

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