How to install Imunify360

January 11, 2023 / Imunify 360

To install imunify360, follow the instructions below, please note that your license is bound to your server IP, so no key is required during installation as your license will be automatically detected.

  1. log in to the command line on your server using SSH.
  2. Download the installer as follows:
  3. Once downloaded you can install using the following command:
    su bash
  4. Imunify360 can now be accessed through your chosen control panel:
    1. cPanel: Login to WHM and from the side menu go to plugins > Imunify360
    2. Plesk: Login to plesk and select Tools and Settings > Imunify360
  5. If for any reason your license is not automatically detected, please run the following to force detection.
    imunify360-agent register IPL


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