How to fix plugins disappearing from the WordPress dashboard

October 24, 2024 / WordPress

This article will illustrate how to fix plugins disappearing from the WordPress dashboard.

If plugins are disappearing from your WordPress dashboard, there are numerous possible causes and resolutions to consider.

Here’s how you can fix this issue:

  1. Check User Permissions:
    Ensure you are logged in with an admin account. Only administrators have access to the Plugins section in WordPress. If you are using a different user role, like Editor or Author, you will not see the plugins menu.
    If you are having problems with plugin visibility due to user permissions, updating user roles via WP-CLI can be an effective solution. Learn how to update a user role with WP-CLI in our detailed guide.
  2. Deactivate Plugins via FTP:
    If a particular plugin is causing the issue, access your WordPress files through FTP or cPanel’s File Manager. Navigate to “wp-content/plugins/” and rename the suspected plugin’s folder to deactivate it. This might restore the plugins menu.
    file manager
  3. Check if Multisite is Enabled:
    On a WordPress multisite installation, the plugins section is often hidden for individual site administrators. Only the network admin can manage plugins. To check this, go to the “Network Admin” dashboard and look for the Plugins menu there.
    network admin
  4. Inspect wp-config.php:
    Open your “wp-config.php” file using FTP or cPanel. Check if the following line is present:

    define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, true);

    If it exists, remove or comment it out (// define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, true);) to enable plugin management again.

  5. Disable Conflicting Security Settings:
    Some security plugins can hide or disable the Plugins menu. If you have recently installed or updated a security plugin, try deactivating it temporarily to see if the menu returns.
  6. Revert Recent Changes:
    If the issue started after a recent theme or plugin update, consider reverting to a previous version of your site through a backup or undoing the changes.
  7. Check for File Corruption:
    WordPress core files might be corrupted or incomplete. Reinstall WordPress from the Dashboard > Updates section without affecting your content to restore missing or corrupt files.
  8. Disable Maintenance Mode:
    If your site is stuck in maintenance mode, plugins might not display properly. Delete the “.maintenance” file in your root directory via FTP.
  9. Contact Your Hosting Provider:
    In some cases, your hosting provider may have disabled plugin management at the server level due to policy or security reasons. Contact them for clarification or support.

By following these steps, you should be able to restore the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard and regain control over your site’s plugins.

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