How come my browser’s address bar isn’t showing a lock icon

July 23, 2024 / How-to Guide

The absence of a lock icon in your browser’s address bar typically indicates that the website is not using a secure HTTPS connection. After installing the SSL certificate, if the padlock icon isn’t showing up on your website, there can be a coding problem in the portion of your page (s).

Let us investigate how to resolve the problem:

  1. Check to see if you have the following code in your HTML between your tags before troubleshooting:
    <BASE href=””>
  2. This code makes all relative links change from remaining on “https” to “http”.
  3. Consequently, the padlock cannot show and the SSL session cannot be established.
  4. Remove the following code from the website in order to resolve the problem:
    <BASE href=””>
  5. Make sure the code of the impacted pages doesn’t contain any more references to https://.

You may solve the problem of the browser’s address bar not displaying a lock icon in this way.

If you want to improve security of your website, explore other ways to protect your site pages. If you are using WordPress site , you can secure WordPress Pages with password protection which is essential to keeping your content safe from unauthorised access so you can easily increase your site’s security.

Please do not hesitate to contact our support system if you need assistance.

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