How to install a firewall on a VPS

February 18, 2023 / Security and Backups

This guide will help you to understand how to install a firewall on a VPS. A firewall is a type of network security device that regulates a server’s traffic on a network. A firewall should be installed on all servers that are connected to the internet.

Follow the steps to install a Firewall on a VPS:

  1. Download CSF by going to usr/src. Use the commands given below:
    cd /usr/src/
    The most recent version of CSF will be downloaded by your VPS automatically and put in the /usr/src/ directory.
  2. Abstract the CSF file. Use the following command to extract all the files in the csf.tgz file:
    tar xzf csf.tgz
  3. Run the installer after going to the CSF directory. Use the command given below to run this to start the CSF installer:
    cd csf
    a) It will first verify that all requirements are met before installing the application. You might need to first install Perl and libwww if it encounters a major error.
    b) These should be present by default on all supported Linux distributions, but in case they are not, you will need to execute the following commands:
    yum install perl-libwww-perl – for RHEL-based distributions
    apt install libwww-perl  – for distributions based on Debian
  4. Disable any current firewalls and configure CSF
    a) If your computer is currently running any extra firewall programmes, you may need to use a systemctl command to turn them off.
    b) If you use one of the supported web hosting control panels, you can enable and manage the firewall from /etc/csf/csf.conf, where CSF is configured.

This way, you can install a Firewall on a VPS. For more support do contact our support specialists at earliest.

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